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Cross-compiling Linux driver for ARM

From sdk_2253_x.y.z_linux/driver:

 PATH=<path-to-cross-compiler/bin>:$PATH \
 make -C <path-to-target-kernel-directory> SUBDIRS=`pwd` \
 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm modules

Copy the s2253.ko file to the target's /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra directory, and run "depmod -a".

For the demo application, modify the Makefile path to the cross compiler, then do "make demo_arm".

Connecting to USB 3.0 ports on Linux

When connecting the board to a port on a USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed) hub, if the device does not work, check the dmesg log for these messages:

 [  378.352045] usb 9-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using xhci_hcd
 [  378.369004] usb 9-1: device descriptor read/8, error -75
 [  378.488958] usb 9-1: device descriptor read/8, error -75

Reconnect the device to a USB 2.0 port, or contact support@sensoray.com for RMA. Boards manufactured after April 2013 have corrected this issue. (Windows is not affected.)


The 2253 has three types of overlays.

1) Overlay (Bitmap) on the physical composite output video channel. S2253_SetOverlay, S2253_StreamOverlay

In the manual, S2253_StreamOverlay talks of the input stream. This is an input stream to the 2253 for decoding. The actual overlay is output onto the physical output video channel.

2) Overlay (Bitmap) on the preview window on the host preview (not saved in recordings, not output on composite out). S2253_DrawBitmap,S2253_DrawBitmapColorRef

3) Overlay (Text, Monochrome Bitmap) in the stream itself. This overlay will be present on snapshots and recorded files. S2253_SetOsd

Overlay Specifications

One line of text for each video stream (A, B, Output) up to 160 characters, and may include newline (^n) or date (^d) or time (^t) codes inserted.

For styled text, there are 16 overlay regions for Stream A and B, and 255 regions for Output Stream. Bitmaps or PNG images can only be used on the Output Stream. The overlay resolution is not directly limited, but the decoding of the PNG image takes time, and transferring large BMP images over USB and then decoding takes time. For the Output Stream, the overlay image is applied to a masking buffer once and the output video is rendered in hardware. For the Encoded Streams, the overlay image must be rendered in software for every frame, and too many or too large overlays can cause video frames to be dropped.

Example for Preview Bitmap Drawing in C#

This example shows how to do overlay type #2 listed above. The overlay will ONLY appear in the preview Window. It will not be saved to recorded files or snapshots.

If using 64 bit applications, make sure to set the VMR to VMR9 using S2253_SetPreviewType.

Below is sample code to draw a Bitmap to the video preview in C#:

           Bitmap mybmp = new Bitmap(100, 100);
           S2253.NORMALIZEDRECT nRect;
           int retVal;
           S2253.RECTANGLE sRect;
           sRect.left = 0;
           sRect.top = 0;
           sRect.right = mybmp.Width;
           sRect.bottom = mybmp.Height;
           Graphics myGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(mybmp);
           myGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Green, 5.0f), new Point(0, 0), new Point(50, 50));
           nRect.bottom = 0.9f;
           nRect.top = 0.1f;
           nRect.left = 0.1f;
           nRect.right = 0.9f;
           IntPtr hdcBMP = myGraphics.GetHdc();
           S2253.SelectObject(hdcBMP, mybmp.GetHbitmap());
           retVal = S2253.DrawBitmap(hdcBMP, ref sRect, ref nRect, 0.5f, 0, 0);

In mid2253.cs, define the following if it does not already exist:

       public struct RECTANGLE
           public Int32 left;
           public Int32 top;
           public Int32 right;
           public Int32 bottom;
       public struct NORMALIZEDRECT {
           public float left;
           public float top;
           public float right;
           public float bottom;
       public static Int32 DrawBitmap(IntPtr hdcBMP, ref RECTANGLE src,
                                       ref NORMALIZEDRECT dst, float alpha, int devid, int strmid) {
           int retVal;
           retVal = S2253_DrawBitmap(hdcBMP, ref src, ref dst, alpha, devid, strmid);
           return retVal;
       public static Int32 DrawBitmapColorRef(IntPtr hdcBMP, ref RECTANGLE src,
                                       ref NORMALIZEDRECT dst, float alpha, UInt32 clrSrcKey, int devid, int strmid) {
           int retVal;
           retVal = S2253_DrawBitmapColorRef(hdcBMP, ref src, ref dst, alpha, clrSrcKey, devid, strmid);
           return retVal;
       [DllImport("mid2253.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
       static extern Int32 S2253_DrawBitmap(IntPtr hdcBMP, ref RECTANGLE src, ref NORMALIZEDRECT dst,
                                       float alpha, int devid, int strmidx);
       [DllImport("mid2253.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
       static extern Int32 S2253_DrawBitmapColorRef(IntPtr hdcBMP, ref RECTANGLE src, ref NORMALIZEDRECT dst,
                                       float alpha, UInt32 clrSrcKey, int devid, int strmidx);

Monochrome Overlay on Device with C#

Add the following to mid2253.cs:

public struct MID2253_OSD_BMP
  public int osdOn;                // OSD on if != 0
  public int osdChan;        // osd channel to update.  osdChan=0 for stream A, osdChan=1 for stream B, osdChan=2 for output,  osdChan=3 for both streams
  public int id;                // region id: 0..15
  public int xoffset;        // x offset: relative to left
  public int yoffset;        // y offset: relative to top
  public IntPtr bmp;               // pointer to bitmap image data (as loaded from file)

Add the following to mid2253.cs:

public static Int32 SetOsd( ref MID2253_OSD_BMP osd, Int32 devid, Int32 strmidx )
  int hr;
  MID2253_OSD_BMP r;
  r.osdChan = osd.osdChan;
  r.osdOn = osd.osdOn;
  r.id = osd.id;
  r.xoffset = osd.xoffset;
  r.yoffset = osd.yoffset;
  r.bmp = osd.bmp;

  hr = S2253_SetOsd( MID2253_OSDTYPE.MID2253_OSDTYPE_BMP, ref r, devid, strmidx );
  return hr;

Example code for C# Form loading bitmap from file:

           int brd_idx = 0;
           int streamIdx = 0;
           MemoryStream strm = new MemoryStream();
           S2253.MID2253_OSD_BMP osdBmp = new S2253.MID2253_OSD_BMP();
           ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
           Bitmap mybmp = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromFile("Logo.bmp");
           byte[] bmpByteArray = new byte[0];
           using (strm) {
               mybmp.Save(strm, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
               bmpByteArray = strm.ToArray();
           GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(bmpByteArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
           IntPtr ptr = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();
           osdBmp.bmp = ptr;
           osdBmp.id = 1;
           osdBmp.osdChan = 3;
           osdBmp.osdOn = 1;
           osdBmp.xoffset = 50;
           osdBmp.yoffset = 50;
           int retVal = S2253.SetOsd(ref osdBmp, brd_idx, streamIdx);

Monochrome Overlay on Device with C++

       MID2253_OSD_DATA osd;
       FILE *fin;
       unsigned char *pdata;
       size_t rsize;
       osd.osdbmp.id = 0;
       osd.osdbmp.osdOn = 1;
       osd.osdbmp.osdChan = 3;
       osd.osdbmp.xoffset = 200;
       osd.osdbmp.yoffset = 300;
       fin = fopen("logo.bmp", "rb");
       pdata = (unsigned char *) malloc(50*1024);
       rsize = fread(pdata, 1, 50*1024, fin);
       osd.osdbmp.bmp = pdata;
       S2253_SetOsd(MID2253_OSDTYPE_BMP, &osd, 0, 0);

Note: Above code is for demonstration purposes only. Please add error checking to production code.

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